Oma and Opa came to town, so we grabbed them, the Grandparents, Oliver's Tante Linnea and Uncle Mike, and (of course) cousin Dexter! and we all headed up to Little Bow to relax - and to make sausage!

In the above picture, Dexter finds out that we are making sausage, but that he won't be helping.

Here's a shot of some of the guys playing with meat. Oliver is hugging Grandma in the background.

Grandpa, Uncle Mike, and Opa Jack deep into the sausage making process while Oliver's dad teases them with beer.

Whenever the women folk got too uppity about the All-Male Meat-O-Rama we pointed out this label on the sausage machine. Pay special attention to 'Cautions: #2'. Heh

Dexter, blocked from joining the All-Male Meat-O-Rama by the niggling age requirement, spent the day playing with Omas and Grandmas.

Oliver showed his displeasure at being excluded by having a long nap...

...and then by joining Mom who was relaxing in the hammock.
Everyone enjoyed the day, and most importantly, the All-Male Meat-O-Rama produced enough pork sausage to feed a small nation!